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What is PLUNJ?

PLUNJ is Utah’s first Nordic Style Bathhouse. Our small yet cozy space draws inspiration from Scandinavian bathhouse culture to provide you with a mental and physical health-enhancing experience like no other.

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Welcome to the club!


*Please note, we require reservations


Our amenities include:


  • One communal traditional Finnish-style dry sauna. An electric stove with rocks on top which we pour water on to create steam

  • A 4 ft-deep, 6 ft-wide, 9 ft-long plunge pool which is recessed into the ground

  • A warm bucket shower for rinsing between sauna use and cold plunging

  • A resting station with chairs, towls, and complimentary tea

  • Each person will be given a small white towel to sit on in the sauna, as well as a large towel to dry off with between plunges. 

  • Two bathrooms, each with a stocked shower 

  • Shower towels 

  • Snacks and other drinks for purchase

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When you come to an hour-long session at PLUNJ, you will enjoy a rotation through our sauna, cold plunge, and rest station along with five other guests. Feel free to come alone — you’ll get to meet new people! — or come with a friend or family members.


We have two types of sessions at PLUNJ:


1. General Admission involves our typical hour-long session with 6 guests total


2. The Silent Session is for 6 guests total who want to cultivate an environment for meditation. The expectation for this session is no talking. These are only on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 8:30am and 1:00pm


The rotation within one session usually goes as follows:


  • Spend up to 15 minutes in the sauna

  • Rinse off in the bucket shower

  • Spend up to 5 minutes in the cold plunge

  • Rest and rehydrate for 3 to 5 minutes

  • Repeat 


The sauna and rest station can fit all 6 people at a time, and up to 4 people can simultaneously plunge. Guests typically work with one another to rotate so 2 people are in each station at a time, give or take.This regimen is a type of “contrast therapy” as you move back and forth from hot to cold. 

We’re excited for you to take the plunge with us! We are reservation only, so click here to view our calendar and book your spot. Click here to learn the ins and outs of contrast therapy and its benefits.

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